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Elizabeth Drake

Information Technology Education & Mathematics

Office: N-215
 Phone: 381-3829 (ext. 3829 on campus)

  • Graduate coursework: Educational Technology, Statistics, Math, Physics
  • Master's degrees in Anthropology (A.B.D.) and Counseling
  • B.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering
  • B.S., Physics
  • B.A., Sociology
  • A.S., Computer Information Technology
I have worked full time as a professor in the ITE and Math Departments at SFC since 1999. Before that, I was an adjunct professor and lecturer in Math, Computer Science, Physics, and Anthropology at SFC, UF, Three Rivers Community College in Connecticut, and the University of Connecticut.
Educational Philosophy
My father's favorite adage was, "Nothing you ever learn is lost." I have found that to be true throughout my life and hope that all my students will find it true as well. Every new thing learned adds to the understanding of the world we all live in.

Office Hours, Fall 2010:

Mon: 11am - 2:00pm
Tue: 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Wed: by appointment
Thu: 11am - 1:00pm
Fri: 11am - 1:00pm
note: Scheduled office hours may be held online. If I am not in the office, email me.

How to FTP to the ITE server
How to Create URLs, Paths, Anchors