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Table of contents
Support for Windows 7
Objectives (cont’d.)
What’s New with Windows 7
Improvements Over Windows Vista
PowerPoint Presentation
Slide 7
Improvements Over Windows Vista (cont’d.)
Slide 9
Slide 10
Slide 11
Editions of Windows 7
Editions of Windows 7 (cont’d.)
32-Bit or 64-Bit Versions
Preparing to Install Windows 7
Preparing to Install Windows 7 (cont’d.)
Slide 17
Slide 18
Slide 19
Installing Windows 7
Slide 21
Slide 22
Slide 23
Installing Windows 7 (cont’d.)
Slide 25
Slide 26
Slide 27
Slide 28
Slide 29
Slide 30
Windows 7 Action Center
Slide 32
Windows 7 Action Center (cont’d.)
Slide 34
Slide 35
Backing Up User Data and the System Image
Slide 37
Slide 38
Backing Up User Data and the System Image (cont’d.)
Slide 40
Slide 41
Special Concerns When Working in a Large Enterprise
Special Concerns When Working in a Large Enterprise (cont’d.)
Slide 44
Slide 45
Slide 46
Slide 47
Slide 48
Slide 49
Summary (cont’d.)
Slide 52